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It is almost done!

That´s right, my new frame is ready for finishing. Thanks to Giuseppe`s photo I can now dream with my new frame LOL.

It´s great to see my new baby being held by the skillful hands who made "her", thank you so much Federico! I can not wait to have "her" here ready for assembling and be able to start riding her through all those trails which she will love so much.

I don´t know if it´s because it´s Christmas time but I really feel like a child again, waiting for that special toy that seems like will never arrive LOL. This year my Santa Claus is from Torino, Italy. And for the first time I know where He lives: MDE General Headquarters.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a 2009 that will bring everything you want!

Have fun!


Azgold said...

You sound so excited! This will be a great Christmas for you.

You must've been a good boy. :)

Funride said...

LOL, do you think so? Me!? :D

As to the excitement you´re right I´m sure it can be seen in this post :)

Can you imagine how excited I will be when that frame arrive to me? Mega-excitement!!!

Enjoy your holidays! Have fun!